Aktuelle Informationen und Veranstaltungen von uns

Ankündigung/Announcement GOM 2024

We are pleased to announce the BETA CAE Systems Open Meeting in Germany on September 26, 2024

Parkhotel Stuttgart Messe-Airport

Join us at our 2024 Open Meeting in Germany, held in Leinfelden-Echterdingen on September 26th, 2024. We cordially invite engineering professionals, industry leaders, and forward-thinkers to our solutions overview event, hosted by LASSO Engineering and BETA CAE Systems. With a comprehensive agenda, we'll delve into engineering simulation challenges and how they are addressed by the latest software solutions from BETA. A highlight will be trhe presentation of the new GUI of the upcoming version 25 of ANSA and META.

We extend our sincere appreciation to our valued customers who will share their inspiring stories of successful software deployment within their organizations. Additionally, BETA engineers from around the world will guide you through some of our latest achievements and provide a glimpse into our exciting plans.

There is no participation fee for the event.
The attire will be business casual.



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